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Easy Egg Chilli Recipe Restaurant Style In 2023

If you’re seeking a savoury and effortless meal that offers a bold array of spices, then you’re in luck with our Egg Chilli recipe. The confluence of eggs and chilies generates a dish that excites your senses and inspires cravings for additional servings. This recipe caters to individuals with varied tastes and desires, guaranteeing an unforgettable culinary experience. This content will guide you through the straightforward processes needed to make an unparalleled Egg Chilli dish for any gathering.

Egg Chilli, a celebrated culinary creation from Asian traditions, unites creamy eggs with a delectable chili glaze. This dish seamlessly marries the protein-rich goodness of eggs with the fiery heat of chilies, resulting in a flavour explosion that will leave you craving more.

Ingredients egg chilli dry recipe

To create this delectable Egg Chilli Recipe, gather the following ingredients

  •  six hard-boiled eggs
  •  two tablespoons of vegetable oil
  •  one onion, finely chopped
  • 3-4 green chillies, sliced
  • A single tablespoon of ginger-garlic mixture
  • two tablespoons of soy sauce
  • one tablespoon of tomato ketchup
  • one teaspoon vinegar
  • Salt to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Chopped green herb (cilantro) for presentation (garnish)

Egg Chilli Recipe

Preparing the egg chilli Indian recipe

Start by submerging the eggs in hot water until they are fully developed. Peel and set them aside.
Gently poking the eggs with a fork can result in minute holes. The eggs will more fully absorb the sauce with this step.

Making the Chilli Base

Warm vegetable oil in a pan through gentle heating.
Add the minced onion and cook until it reaches a golden hue.
Combine the grated ginger, minced garlic, and sliced green chilies during cooking. Cook for a brief interval, allowing the fragrance to intensify.

Combining egg chilli recipe restaurant style

Blend the eggs with the onion and chili mixture in the pan with gentle strokes.
Drizzle these ingredients over the eggs. Gently toss to combine.

Adjusting the spice level egg chilli in Hindi

Adding a touch of red chilli sauce or green chilies can enhance the warmth of your dish.
Reduce the number of chilies according to your desired level of spiciness, omitting the red chili sauce as needed.

Serving suggestions: egg chilli vegetarian

Egg Chilli Recipe can be a principal course accompaniment and a side dish option. The bold hues and appetizing scent create a culinary delight for both the senses. Top the dish off with a handful of recently picked coriander leaves.

Eggs and Chillies: Natural Allies for Improved Wellbeing

The inclusion of eggs in any balanced diet grants manifold health benefits. Chilies contain the renowned capsaicin, recognized for its metabolic function-bolstering capabilities and potential health perks.

Egg Chilli Recipe

Easy variations to explore egg chilli

Enjoy customizing the Egg Chilli Recipe by including your leafy greens for an extra crunch. You can select from various chili options to personalize the heat level to suit your liking.

frequently asked questions about egg chilli vegetarian.

Are boiled eggs with a liquid yolk suitable for this dish?

Despite recommending hard-boiled eggs, you may utilize soft-boiled eggs if you prefer a gooey yolk.

Is the Egg Chilli Recipe extremely spicy?

Taste buds can be customized through the varying spice levels. You possess mastery over the temperature!

May I pre-cook the Egg Chilli Recipe?

Preparing the chili base and integrating the eggs just before serving is possible.

Can you recommend alternative combinations with Egg Chilli?

The complementary flavours of Egg Chilli allow it to harmonize with various companion dishes.

May I exchange eggs with another type of protein?

Absolutely! Tofu, paneer, and chicken offer vegetarian alternatives that you can experiment with.


The smooth texture of eggs, complemented by the zesty heat of chilies, yields a delectable meal. The intricate harmony of flavours and textures makes this recipe irresistible to those who long for a bit of heat. Indulge in an epicurean escapade with our iconic Egg Chilli recipe. Your palate will greatly appreciate it!