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Chana Dal Palak Recipe | Desi Indian Dish Quick & Easy

Unsurpassed in Indian cooking, the Chana Dal Palak recipe harmoniously combines health and flavor. This dish masterfully marries the nutritional benefits of chana dal and the verdant green energy of palak, promising a sensory experience that’s both delicious and healthful. For both experienced cooks and novices alike, the chana dal in english serves as a valuable addition that provides a gastronomic adventure through flavors and nutrition.

Chana Dal Palak

Ingredients You Need For Chana Dal Palak Recipe

To craft this Chana Dal Palak Recipe dish, the initial step is to gather the indispensable elements that will make this culinary work of art. The marriage of chana dal recipe requires the following components:

For Chana Dal:
  • 1 cup chana dal
  • 3 cups water
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • Salt to taste
For Palak Puree:
  • Freshly washed and minutely chopped, 2 cups of palak leaves
  • One chopped green chili offers a delicate kick.
  • 1 inch grated, infusing meals with a mild kick

Chana Dal Palak

For the Main Dish:
  • Ghee or oil add depth and richness, with 2 tablespoons being a non-negotiable amount.
  • Enhancing the earthy quality, just one teaspoon of cumin seeds is enough.
  • The onion is finely chopped to achieve a delicate texture and flavor.
  • Two tomatoes, chopped finely, yield a succulent base.
  • To add a touch of heat, use 1/2 teaspoon of red chili powder.
  • With aroma and flavor boosted, 1/2 teaspoon of garam masala is a valuable addition.
  • With a mere 1/2 teaspoon, coriander powder lends a rich, nutty essence.

Cooking Instructions For chana dal recipe

Step 1: Preparing Chana Dal
  • Let the cool water thoroughly cleanse the Chana Dal Palak Recipe. This step’s primary purpose is to remove any impurities.
  • Following cleaning, let the dal soak in water for approximately 30 minutes. The softened dal expedites cooking.
  • Following the soaking process, drain the chana dal calories and direct it towards the pressure cooker.
  • Add water, turmeric, and a pinch of salt to the chana dal. With its ability to impart a warm color and antiseptic properties, turmeric powder stands out.
  • After closing the pressure cooker lid, cook the dal until it turns into a smooth and malleable consistency. Set the cooked dal aside.

Chana Dal Palak

Step 2: Making Palak Puree
  • The subsequent phase of this culinary dance entails blanching fresh palak leaves. Roll the water until it’s boiling and then gently add the palak leaves.
  • Let the palak leaves blanche for about 2 minutes. The hot water treatment enhances the original green color and banishes any remaining bitterness.
  • Completing the blanching? Quickly drain the leaves and place them in a cold water bowl. This quick pause in the cooking process fixes the color in place.
  • Blend the palak leaves, green chili, and ginger to produce the desired puree. Blend until a silky green puree is formed. Set it aside.
Step 3: Cooking the Dish
  • In the pan, the final act of this culinary performance unfolds, blending flavors in perfect harmony. Start by heating the pan’s ghee or oil.
  • During the heating process, add cumin seeds. The cumin seeds’ aromatic release signals the beginning of the flavor integration process.
  • In the pan, the finely chopped onion is introduced. As the onion cooks, allow it to acquire a golden hue. This phase brings a delicate sweetness and tactile quality to the meal.
  • Softening the tomatoes until they’re fully incorporated into the pan. This essential component imbues the dish with a rich, tangy essence.
  • For an even mixture, combine the ingredients in the pan and ensure their uniform distribution. Combine these aromatic spices with the onion-tomato mixture, letting them harmoniously intertwine.
  • Enter the showstopper – the creamy palak puree. Offering a thorough mix, gently pour the lively green puree into the pan. As the mixture undergoes change, it morphs into a mesmerizing display of colors and scents.

Chana Dal Palak

Step 4: Final Assembly
  • As the dish’s foundation has been tastefully set, the cooked Chana Dal Palak Recipe is reintroduced now. Blending the dal and palak mixtures in a smooth manner is essential.
  • The consistency of the dish can be customized by adding water according to preference. Personalizing the thickness of the gravy, this step allows for your desired taste.
  • Heat the dish for roughly 10-15 minutes. This slow cooking process blends flavors together, creating a culinary symphony on the taste buds with each bite.

Nutritional Benefits Of Chana Dal Palak Recipe

The delectable flavors of chana dal recipe belie its status as a wholesome meal, rich in nutritional value. High in protein, chana dal is renowned for promoting satiety and muscle health. Flipping the coin, palak has a richness of nutrients that fosters good health and wellbeing. The fusion of ingredients generates a dish that is both satisfying and healthy.


Chana Dal Palak Recipe is a harmonious culinary convergence of flavors, textures, and nourishing elements. The fusion of Chana Dal Palak Recipe and palak represents Indian cuisine’s essence: a perfect balance of flavor and wellness. As you chew, allow each flavor to enrich your entire being with a symphony of taste.

Chana Dal Palak

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) About Chana Dal Palak Recipe

Is frozen spinach an option for this recipe?

Fresh leaves are not essential when frozen palak is at your disposal. To prevent any issues, always thaw and drain the frozen spinach before using it.

Can vegans enjoy the chana dal recipe?

Absolutely! Substituting ghee with cooking oil transforms this recipe into a vegan delight.

Can I include additional vegetables in the preparation?

Of course! Complementing the meal’s flavor, vegetables like carrots or bell peppers addition enhances nutritional value.

How can I elevate the dish’s spice level?

To amplify the heat, adjust the quantity of green chilies or introduce a subtle red pepper flake.

What side dishes complement Chana Dal Palak Recipe nicely?

A well-balanced meal results from the versatility of this dish, which harmonizes with various sides.